Yesterday I traveled to Augusta to meet with the Revisor’s Office and submit my bills for the upcoming session.
For those who don’t know, Revisors are the people (mostly attorneys) who actually draft legislation. As lawmakers, we bring them our objectives for the issues we want to address, the ideas we have for addressing them, and who we believe will need to be involved in executing the laws if they pass.

The Revisors take our ideas and create draft bill language that we then use to solicit co-sponsors and review with relevant stakeholders. That is my opportunity to make sure the bill says and does what I want it to do before it is “printed” and gets sent to a committee.
I submitted two bill ideas: one to increase the number of meat processors in the state (with a goal of building a stronger connection between hunters and local food pantries), and a second to increase the number of home care workers.

I also got to see my permanent seat in the House chamber! Given the numbers, some Democrats needed to be seated on the “Republican side” of the aisle, and I requested one of those seats. I’m committed to building strong bipartisan relationships here, and bridging ideological gaps can start by bridging physical ones.
Looking forward to getting to work!